Accomplishments are the currency of your career. — Rick Gillis
You may not realize there has never been a way for an organization to measure the value of an employee who receives an hourly or salary-based paycheck—especially when compared to the way a commissioned salesperson’s performance can be measured in real-time.
In his newest book, YOUR WORK DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ITSELF—YOU DO, author, speaker, and trainer, Rick Gillis shows you how to professionally value your work in real-time and skillfully promote yourself using the QTNT® (pronounced: quotient), a process he invented to measure the value a ‘paycheck worker’ delivers to their employer.
Working with job search and advancement-seeking clients, Rick did not realize what he was doing was “ground-breaking” (not his words). He was just looking for a way to express their professional value to themselves and to existing and future employers. It worked!
Now Rick Gillis shares everything you need to know about the QTNT® in YOUR WORK DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ITSELF—YOU DO; How it works, and how it is successfully applied at the employee and employer level for the benefit of all.
For employees, the QTNT® measures your personal on-the-job performance.
For employers, the QTNT® measures their employees’ on-the-job performance.
Get the drift? This is a mutual win! With the QTNT® everyone is playing by the same rules on the same field. Employment nirvana!
Waiting for someone to speak up on your behalf? Don’t.
Your Work Does Not Speak for Itself—You Do!
Rick Gillis is a writer, speaker, and trainer focused on sharing the QTNT® (‘quotient’) to advance the right and best pay for ‘paycheck workers’ (i.e.: everyone!) who perform work over and above what their job descriptions call for. In Rick’s view, everyone, at some time, has performed to a level not expected of them by their employer.
Many times workers themselves aren’t even aware of having accomplished the extraordinary. Gillis understands this and shares the story of the time early in his career when he saved his company $2,500,000 but was not bonused for this achievement. Why? Because he didn’t yet have the Accomplishments Mindset and the training he writes about and works to share with audiences and clients today.
Rick Gillis’ newest book, “Your Work Does Not Speak For Itself–You Do” makes public the process Rick invented–the QTNT®–a simple, unassuming, arithmetic (yes, arithmetic!) process for measuring the value one delivers to their employer.

Your Work Does Not Speak For Itself is everyone’s (employers AND employees) on-the-job professional training manual.
Gillis’ previous book, Leveling the Paying Field, impressively takes on the issue of fair pay and is Gillis’ first book to fully exploit and explain the QTNT Personal Value Calculation (PVC) process.
Note: Some content from LTPF was modified and repurposed to illustrate stories and methods of measuring the value of a worker in the new book.
From Rick’s Introduction to
Your Work Does Not Speak For Itself—You Do
on Mastering the QTNT®
My job is to show you how to make more money on your job by “thinking like an owner.” Thinking like an owner is management nirvana! Will thinking like an owner mean more money for you? Yes. Especially after you learn the groundbreaking QTNT®(“quotient”) process.
Your Work Does Not Speak for Itself—You Do will show you how to measure what you deliver on the job so you can approach management with numbers that justify a personal performance bonus. Sounds outrageous, right? It’s not.
The process begins in the opening pages when I show you how to assess your value on the job as well as how to express your performance with your supervisors—your boss and your boss’s bosses. The most difficult part of this process is knowing what to say when the opportunity presents itself. This is where the QTNT shines. The QTNT will help you track, identify, and professionally promote your value. The best part? None of this is difficult to master for anyone who works.
By the way, I wrote this book for both you and your bosses so all of us are on the same page.
The QTNT is a process I invented several years ago for determining the value my job search clients had delivered to previous employers. It is a simple division problem with the result always being a quotient or, after discarding the vowels, QTNT. I will show you how to calculate and share those things you do Over and Above what is required of you on the job. I know people do more than what is expected of them on a regular basis. I want you to share that value with those who matter. This little book is your personal on-the-job “owner’s manual.”
From the Foreword by World-Famous Negotiation Strategist Keld Jensen
Your Work Does Not Speak for Itself—You Do is not just a book; it’s a transformative guide for any working person seeking to master the art of self-advocacy. In today’s competitive landscape, understanding and articulating one’s value is paramount, and Gillis’ innovative QTNT® formula offers a groundbreaking approach to achieving just that. This formula isn’t merely a method; it’s a revelation in the way people everywhere will quantify and communicate their achievements going forward.
Gillis guides readers through the intricacies of career advancement and personal performance measurement with a keen focus on the nuances of self-promotion. These skills, often overlooked, are crucial for success in any field. Mastering these, management and staff alike can build credibility, establish leverage, and create compelling narratives around their contributions.
Moreover, Your Work Does Not Speak for Itself—You Do addresses a critical aspect of life on the job: the ability to self-assess and strategically position oneself for success. This introspective journey is crucial for understanding one’s own value proposition. By equipping readers with the tools to perform this introspection, Gillis ensures that employees can approach any situation with a clear understanding of their worth and the unique contributions they bring. Whether it’s seeking employment, a pay raise, negotiating a contract, or managing a project, the principles laid out by Gillis provide a robust framework for effective communication and strategy.
Keld Jensen is a Master Negotiation Strategist, International Speaker, Professor, Trainer, and Author of 25 books, including Negotiation Essentials, The Elements of Negotiation, and The Trust Factor.
Kevin D. Martin
PMP, USAA Director-Retired, University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) LecturerAndrea Nicholas
International Executive Coachsultant®Roger Gerard Ph.D.
Executive Coach, Speaker & Author, Lead with Purpose: Reignite Passion and Engagement for Professionals in Crisis (May 2024)
- Employees
- Business Owners
- Employers
- Human Resources
- Management
- Project Managers
Visit our JOB! RESOURCES page for the Accomplishments-Based Resume and the Accomplishments Statement.