Leveling the Paying Field, JOB! & Resources

Leveling the Paying Field offers every person who works a simple-to-implement method to earn the best pay for their best work.
Leveling the Paying Field offers anyone who takes home a paycheck, seeking a new job opportunity, or carving out their career path the chance to take pay parity into their own hands. Several books exist on fair pay, but none offer an individual approach to achieving fair pay like Leveling the Paying Field.
In his latest book, author Rick Gillis has created a rich new metric for measuring the value of the work you produce he calls the QTNT® (pronounced: ‘quotient’). Your QTNT score can then be used to reasonably and realistically challenge your current rate of pay. Not only can equal pay for equal work be realized, but even better, proper pay for outstanding performance becomes the new normal.
Job! Search Optimized focuses on providing you with the core of what employers want–an expression from the job seeker on what value they will bring to the organization. Without that statement, Rick Gillis contends that the interview is a waste of both parties’ time.
Gillis further provides simple but ingenious information on how to successfully navigate resume filtering software and further advises you on how to craft a resume that recruiters will appreciate and follow up on.
Additionally, there is a chapter introducing you to best practices when utilizing social media in your job search. Samples and examples are included (below) and in the book.
Click here to visit Rick’s YouTube channel. Over the years Rick has helped thousands of people, from new grads to CEOs, in their job search, promotion, and advancement.